Wednesday, June 28, 2006

a tyrant called oestrogen

perhaps it isn't oestrogen. perhaps it's a potent cocktail of hormones. whatever it is, i can't even begin to convey how distressed i am by this sensation of being an irrational woman. What do you do with an emotional state that you suffer but also analyse in light of years of hindsight earned after similar debilitating attacks of pre-menstrual angst? Does the knowledge that you're going to feel better in about four days make what you're feeling in the moment less 'real'? You know how they say not to grocery shop while you're hungry, should i try not to think anything at all about my personal relationships until after i bleed? Should i just write off anything that i think or feel in the next four days, looking forward to resuming sanity in the aftermath?


shannon said...

waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh my go my love, we have to not bleed at the same time as well, it is hard for us to look after each other!!!

i love you xx

crankypants said...

sure, you can lord of gay xx