Sunday, September 10, 2006

am i a loser?

i guess the toilet wall is really the proper forum to ask this kind of question. But then I would have to ask, 'am i a looser?'

The reason i have to ask this is because despite many vehement representations that i am totally ok with having shithouse law marks, I am spending the mid semester break studying every day. It's true that it's only day two today and I have also checked myspace about six million times, but that does not change the fact that my major activity is pegged 'studying contract law'. So now i wonder, 'am i really a law dork. Do i stand for everything that i hate?'

Also, i bought a white denim mini skirt at Hunter Gatherer. Oh. My. God.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

never though i'd love a ging-er

here's the little eunuch. that shaved patch on his leg will grow back apparently. however, i think it looks tuff. giuseppe joe is my man even if he ain't got no balls.